Advanced Dental Services – Alamo Ranch, TX
Effective Care When
You Need It Most
Accidents involving your oral health can happen to everyone, and often at the most inopportune times as well. If you or a loved one is experiencing a severe dental injury, don’t hesitate – contact Alamo Springs Dental right away for the reassuring attention you need most. We will see you as soon as we can or refer you to an office that can take care of your dental emergency needs in a timely manner.
Why Choose Alamo Springs Dental for Advanced Dental Services?
Dental Treatment -
Clear Digital
X-Ray Imaging -
Sedation Dentistry
I Knocked Out My Temporary Crown

There are usually no severe consequences to losing a crown for a short period of time, but it’s still important to re-cement the restoration back into its rightful place as soon as possible. Place a dab of toothpaste or dental adhesive over the tooth in question, and gingerly place the crown. This should serve as a temporary solution until you reach our San Antonio, TX office.
I Knocked Out My Tooth

Do you still have the tooth? It may be possible to reattach it. Carefully rinse it under lukewarm water, removing any foreign debris while doing your best not to touch the root. Then, place it back into its original socket and hold it in place. If this isn’t possible, carry it in a cup of milk or your own saliva; it’s crucial to keep the tooth as moist as possible.
I Cracked My Tooth

Have any pieces broken off? Collect them and rinse your mouth carefully. A cold compress held against the appropriate cheek can reduce any swelling until you’re able to see Dr. Moreno or Dr. Anderson.
I Have a Painful Toothache

Floss thoroughly around the source of the pain; this may dislodge a food particle or other foreign debris that could be causing the discomfort. Rinse your mouth and take pain medication if needed. If the discomfort persists, contact Alamo Springs Dental to schedule an appointment.
When to Visit
the Emergency Room?
In certain situations, we strongly recommend going to your nearest emergency room for assistance. These could include heavy oral bleeding, severe facial swelling, or a jaw that’s injured or even possibly broken. If you’ve suffered damaged teeth in this accident as well, please contact our office as soon as possible so that we can arrange reconstructive care. While most injuries occur by pure happenstance, some can be avoided by following some simple rules. Always wear an athletic mouthguard when participating in any kind of athletic activity where contact is possible. Always use scissors instead of your teeth when opening packaging. Avoid particularly hard or sticky foods and don’t chew ice.
If you’d like to learn more about how to prevent dental problems, contact Alamo Springs Dental right away. We welcome patients from all over the San Antonio area, including Alamo Ranch, Stillwater Ranch, Castroville, Bandera, Alamo Heights, Grey Forest, Helotes, Leon valley, Balcones Heights, and beyond!