TMJ/TMD Therapy – Alamo Ranch, TX
Pain Relief

Do you experience regular pain at the location of your jaw joints? On either side of where your jaw connects to your skull, you have temporomandibular joints, known as TMJ. These help you easily open and close your mouth to chew, speak, sneeze, cough, and do a variety of daily tasks. When they aren’t functioning properly it can cause severe discomfort that makes it hard to focus and cruise through day-to-day life. In these cases, we offer TMD therapy, also known as temporomandibular dysfunction therapy.
Why Choose Alamo Springs Dental for TMJ/TMD Therapy?
Oral Appliances -
TMJ & Facial
Pain-Relief -
Reduce Migraines
Caused By TMD
What is TMJ/TMD?

TMD is a condition where the two joints that connect your jaw to your skull aren’t functioning properly. It can be caused by a variety of problems, including previous jaw trauma arthritis, bruxism, and bite misalignment. These can all cause excessive force or tension in certain areas of your mouth, resulting in an overworked and distressed joint. A recent study from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research also stated that genetics and nervous system factors can also play a role in this condition.
Symptoms of TMD

Many cases of TMD go undiagnosed because people aren’t familiar with the condition and what signs can indicate joint dysfunction. If you believe that your jaw joints aren’t working properly, keep an eye out for these common symptoms:
- Jaw discomfort and soreness.
- Lockjaw
- Headaches and migraines
- Earaches and ringing in the ears
- Clicking and popping sounds when opening your mouth
- Limited mouth motions
- Grinding and clenching teeth
How Can We Treat TMD?

We offer several different therapy options to relieve your jaw joints of pain and discomfort. These include BOTOX injections at the site of the joints, customized nightguards to shift your jaw into its ideal position as you sleep, and bite adjustment. Depending on your needs, we’ll walk you through each of our therapy options to help determine which one is best for you. In some cases, we use multiple therapies in conjunction with each other for the best results.