Alamo Springs Dental Blog

3 Rare Oral Health Problems You Should Know About

April 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 9:02 pm
woman smiling

You probably know quite a bit about tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease, but what you may not realize is that there are several other types of rare oral health problems in San Antonio. Although they may or may not affect you and your smile, it’s important that you are aware of them in case your child or someone you love experiences issues. Read on to learn more about these three issues that can develop inside the mouth.


Which Foods Contain Fluoride?

March 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 9:04 pm
bowl of oatmeal and strawberries

When you think of things that contain fluoride, you’re likely to answer with “toothpaste” or “tap water.” While it is true that you can get added tooth protection from them, you may be surprised to learn you can also combat decay with the help of various foods with fluoride. To help you adjust your diet to safeguard your smile more readily, a local dentist shares what you can be eating that will benefit your pearly whites.


Is It Possible for Dental Implants to Become Stained?

March 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 9:00 pm
Woman with dental implants

You might not think that dental implants in Alamo Ranch can become stained, but it can certainly happen, and it does. Although not porous like traditional tooth enamel, bad nutritional and lifestyle habits can take one of your greatest investments and sabotage it. If you want to avoid discoloring your new teeth and instead, keep them looking bright and new for years to come, spend a few moments reading this article to get the scoop.


3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Smile Healthy Year After Year

February 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 9:17 pm
older woman smiling

Keeping your smile healthy takes time and effort. It isn’t something you should take for granted or think “Oh, I’ll just brush them in the morning. It’ll be fine.” Bacteria and plaque can grow rapidly, wreaking havoc along the way. If you want to avoid the cost of restorative procedures or emergency dental appointments, a dentist in San Antonio offers three easy ways you can take better care of your teeth and gums to ensure a healthier smile year-round.


Are Root Canals Necessary If Pain Isn’t a Problem?

December 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 8:35 pm
Patient preparing for root canal

You visit your dentist for a checkup and assume all is well. Suddenly, they put their instruments away and inform you that based on their findings, you need a root canal. If this information comes to you as a shock, you’re not alone. Many individuals assume pain is the only symptom that might dictate the need for this type of procedure; however, this is not the case at all. Read on to discover the four additional signs that can point to a serious problem lying beneath the surface, in the innermost layer of your tooth.


Why Donate to Operation Gratitude’s Candy Give Back Program?

October 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 8:25 pm
a Halloween bucket dumping out various candies and toys

Are you planning to take your kids trick-or-treating this year? If so, why not consider participating in Operation Gratitude Candy Give Back program? Our team at Alamo Springs Dental wants is inviting all candy lovers to donate a portion of their Halloween haul to this special endeavor. Not only will it cut down on the amount of sugar remaining in your child’s treat bag, but it will also go to benefit our veterans, first responders, and military men and women overseas!


4 Benefits of Using a Soft Tissue Dental Laser

September 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 1:31 pm
a soft tissue dental laser in Alamo Ranch

When it comes to certain dental procedures, advanced technology can be a welcomed reality. While traditional techniques and instruments can produce positive results, the new and improved equipment used by many dentists today makes it possible to provide greater accuracy, precision, and efficiency while also creating a more comfortable experience for patients. If you are preparing to undergo gum disease treatment, here are 4 benefits you can expect as your dentist uses a soft tissue dental laser to improve your oral health.


Is Nitrous Oxide Safe?

July 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 7:52 pm
patient receiving nitrous oxide in Alamo Ranch

For years, you’ve heard about dentists using nitrous oxide to reduce a patient’s dental anxiety. Often referred to as “laughing gas,” you may wonder if this magical solution can help you overcome the fears that keep you from regularly seeing your dentist. Intrigued by the idea of receiving it yourself, you may begin to wonder if it’s safe. You’re not alone. Many patients ask the same question when discussing it with their dental professionals. This is why a dentist in Alamo Ranch is here to explain how nitrous oxide works and why it is one of the safest sedation methods available today.


Am I a Good Candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation?

July 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 7:54 pm
person taking oral conscious sedation before appointment

Dealing with mild or moderate dental anxiety can keep you out of the dentist’s office and avoiding necessary oral healthcare. Taking care of your teeth and gums is crucial to maintaining good oral health but when your nerves and fears take center stage each time you schedule an appointment, your smile is often pushed to the back burner. Fortunately, there is a solution that can minimize your anxiety and help you relax – oral conscious sedation! By taking a prescribed pill, your teeth and gums will receive the attention they need. But are you a good candidate for treatment? Read on to find out if you are eligible and how it can positively impact your next dental experience.


3 Ways to Teach Your Child About Good Oral Health While Homeschooling

April 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 7:52 pm
a mother and son high-five while completing schoolwork at home

Are you now homeschooling your child because of COVID-19? Are you looking for ways to make the curriculum fun and exciting? Do you want to incorporate resources that benefit both their mind and smile? Whether your child struggles to maintain healthy teeth and gums, adding experiments and lessons that focus on oral health for kids in Alamo Ranch can help get them excited about taking care of their smile. Read on to discover three unique ways you can teach about dental health.

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