Alamo Springs Dental Blog

Will It Hurt to Have a Tooth Extracted?

June 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 9:47 pm
an extracted tooth

You’re at the dentist’s office discussing the reason for your painful toothache. You think all you might need is a filling or crown, but you suddenly discover it is much worse than that. The tooth is infected and needs to be removed. Shocked by the news, you begin to wonder, “What does tooth extraction feel like?” To help ease your mind and any concerns you might have, a dentist is here to explain why you do not need to worry when it comes to this type of dental procedure.


3 Reasons Your Dentist Might Recommend Crown Lengthening

February 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 11:07 pm
patient after crown lengthening

When visiting the dentist, the last thing you might expect to hear is that you need a procedure known as crown lengthening. If this term is foreign to you, you’re not alone. Certain cosmetic and restorative procedures can often take patients by surprise when learning these services will help to benefit their oral health. But to answer your question, “Why is my dentist suggesting crown lengthening,” here are three reasons you might be recommended for this type of treatment.


How to Tell If You Have a Cavity Between Your Teeth

January 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 5:17 pm
woman with tooth pain

Most people never know they have a cavity until they hear it from their dentist. However, pain and sensitivity can manifest themselves, serving as telltale signs that a problem exists. When looking in your mouth, do you see dark spots on your teeth? When flossing, does the string snag when moving between teeth? To help you determine if you might have a cavity between your teeth, a dentist in Alamo Ranch shares what you might look for.


4 Questions to Ask Your Cosmetic Dentist During Your Consultation

November 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 4:56 pm
a patient talking with a cosmetic dentist

Interested in transforming your smile with the help of cosmetic dentistry? There are many unique services available these days, all of which can give you a more youthful, beautiful, and radiant appearance. But before you arrive for your initial cosmetic dental consultation in Alamo Ranch, you need to make sure you’re prepared. Here are four questions you should be sure to ask when discussing your proposed treatment.


3 Explanations Why You’re Experiencing Jaw Pain on One Side

October 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 9:58 pm
woman with jaw pain on one side

Dealing with jaw pain on one side in San Antonio can leave you frustrated and unsure as to the reason for your discomfort. Stress, inflammation, and even a more serious oral health problem can be the result of intense pain that only occurs on one side. But what can you do about it? A local dentist is here to explain the reasons for one-sided jaw pain and effective ways to mitigate the problem.


Sleep Apnea and TMJ: How Are They Connected?

September 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 4:23 am
woman dealing with TMJ disorder

If you’re suffering from TMJ and sleep apnea in San Antonio, you may wonder how the two are connected. While one impairs your ability to open and close your mouth with ease, the other keeps you from feeling rested and refreshed on a day-to-day basis. What you may not realize is that these two conditions are closely linked but can be treated with the same solution – oral appliance therapy. Read on to find out more about this relationship and how your dentist can help.


Will Invisalign Fix TMJ Disorder?

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 4:21 am
woman dealing with TMJ disorder

Dealing with chronic jaw pain as a result of a misaligned bite can become debilitating if left untreated. The frequent headaches, facial soreness, and stiff muscles that come with TMJ disorder make it difficult to complete normal, daily tasks. But have you considered whether fixing TMJ with Invisalign in Alamo Ranch is possible? In this article, we’ll discuss if treatment with clear aligners is enough to improve the symptoms associated with TMJ and what you can do to get started.


Should I Receive BOTOX From a Dentist?

July 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 8:52 pm
a dentist delivering BOTOX to a patient

When thinking about improving your facial aesthetics, you may consider scheduling an appointment with a skincare specialist or dermatologist. After all, this makes the most sense, right? Actually, you may be surprised to learn that getting BOTOX from a dentist is a good idea. If this idea sounds a bit crazy and unheard of, allow trusted dentists in your area to explain why making this move is a safer and more convenient way to improve both your smile and your overall appearance.


Dermal Fillers: Which One is Right For You?

June 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 8:54 pm
dentist administering dermal fillers

Deciding you want to do something to recapture a more youthful appearance requires devoting enough time to not only finding the right professional but also determining which type of treatment you prefer. While BOTOX has its advantages, the same can be said for dermal fillers. But before you dive head-first into changing your look, why not spend some time learning about the types of dermal fillers so that you can better decide which one is right for you.


How Your Oral Hygiene Can Help or Hinder Your Metabolism

April 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — alamosprings @ 9:06 pm
woman holding picture of incomplete smile

There is a common misconception that a person’s metabolism in San Antonio is only affected by age. Yes, as you get older, it is harder to avoid weight gain, but the number of years you’ve been on earth isn’t the only factor that can slow it down. Read on to discover how your oral hygiene routine can be a positive or negative influence on how you digest the food you eat.

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